Why the big push for the Vaccine- People are Dying!!! Think it is all a conspiracy theory?…listen to what Dr Peter McCullough MD has to say

Dr. Mc Cullough is only one of many many many physicians trying to get people to wake up and listen!!! Our natural immunity is far better than any vaccine. You never needed this jab. It is experimental and Health Canada approved it under an emergency until September 2021. There is zero reason in medicine to do this.

The information has been right in front of our face all the time- look at the numbers! This was never the threat you were made to believe! It is all about FEAR, control, taking away your freedom. It is genocide. It is murder. It is part of the big plan. With every Bill that gets passed in the Federal and Provincial governments we lose more and more of our rights.

Our Health Unit is posting all the stats about COVID-19 as well as how many people have been vaccinated. Yet the only info about the “Adverse Events” is being provided via a LINK!!! I emailed them and was informed it was not required to post the information publicly. There is no requirement for them to post the number vaccinated publicly or the COVID-19 stats, but they chose to do this. Doctors have sworn a Hippocratic oath to protect our health and they are playing down (by providing a link) the ADVERSE EVENTS. The Health Units should be required to report the effects as big and bold as they have been with COVID. People, you are getting vaccinated for something that is no worse than the flu. They are vaccinating your children and they have no say in the matter- they were the least effected by COVID. People are getting strokes, heart attacks, losing their babies, their vision, becoming sterilized. I have been around people who have had the jab and the shedding is real! It has impacted many of us to the point where we cannot even be within close proximity of them. Be informed! We are in danger- they have to show us everything in plain site. If you got the first jab, DO NOT get the second. This is our future!!! Protect it and our children! Be informed!
