Canadian Doctors Speak Out- COVID-19 Demystified and What to Do

Finally!!! Our doctors found their voice! Click here.

We are cheering in our chairs and on our feet dancing! The Truth comes out (well, some of it, we know the false narratives go much deeper). Not only do these doctors de-mystify and provide us with the answers to the questions we have, but some of them have actually HAD COVID-19. The Vaccine is not needed- at least not this experimental injection- the evidence is right in plain sight- our bodies have the ability to shed the virus on its own. Why do us Northerners who should have seen higher numbers than anywhere due to our not great health status? Well, we figured that one out too. Share this with everyone! Demand answers and the COVID-19 restrictions be dropped. Ask that those who are vulnerable be properly and respectfully looked after- not treated like they are leprosy. Sure as the days are getting longer, it is time to Spring Out and Forward- breathe, hug, and laugh TOGETHER!

The CANADA HEALTH ALLIANCE is a non-profit collaboration of medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners from across Canada whose common goal is to protect the rights of our patients to access the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice, and autonomy through informed consent.